Web Design

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • bort3

    Don't confuse design with aesthetics alone. Proclaiming web design is dead just because things look templated is short sighted. Design is more about communication if you're doing the job properly.

    That's what (good) clients are paying for. Research, content strategy, IA, and visual design that takes all of these things into account is where the value is. The longer I do this the more I realize how important content strategy and writing are. That's where the value is to clients and that's often where the best design comes from. It's hard work and most designers don't want to touch it but if all you're doing is offering cool looking visual design you're going to struggle in the future.

    After all, cool looking design in itself rarely contributes to a companies bottom line (the typical reason for building a website in the first place).

    • Yes, cool design is not the reason to build a website. If that's the only reason, it already failed.ETM
    • everyone wants a cool websiteyurimon

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