Unique code redemption web service?

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • Nathan_Adams0

    Thanks guys.

    It's the online side I'm after. The take the details (easy), check the code is valid and hasn't been used before, and save into list.

    Gravity Forms gets me 2/3rds of the way, I can make the field to enter the code into, and for it to check for duplicate entries (so it can't be used twice), but not sure how to get it to verify the code against a list of valid entires.

    Client and their packaging manufacturer I assume will be organising the codes themselves and printing them.

    • you will need to be able to get their list of PIN codes and somehow bring it into your end. that's where things will get weird.Gnash
    • we did it the other way around. the online guys created all the codes and provided the list to the printer.Gnash
    • if you can give the printer the list of codes, it may be easier for you. use the PHP code above or modify it.vaxorcist

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