Designer Lies

Out of context: Reply #32

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  • 32 Responses
  • jtb260

    So, this article has stuck in my craw. Partially because I commented on it and now I get emails every day reminding me that it exists. Utopians existential crisis about User Experience aside (no offense man, I get where you're coming from), I put down my response to this the other night and I'm trying to determine if it's worth my time to post.

    Probably not, but I'm counting on you guys for a sanity check. I just hate that this shit is out there, and that some client will see it and use it as fuel to take down some designers work.

    Anywhere here's my response. I'm passing it on to a proof reader as I'm certain it needs it. Ignore or comment here as you see fit.


    • *anyway.jtb26
    • Credit to a few of the points should go to responses in this thread. Re-reading through here I see similar points being made.jtb26

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