Workplace Incentives

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • jtb260

    I met some folks from Zurb and they have some pretty interesting benefits. The thing is their kind of a well paying sweatshop. Which, I think if you know that going in is fine. Seems like they work people there pretty hard. Their fringe benefits are partially about keeping up with the Jones' (Google/Facebook/Apple), but also partially about making it easier for people to live while meeting the demands of the job.

    Dry Cleaning: They expect people to be able to dress nicely for clients.

    House Cleaning: Late hours so it's nice to have a clean place to go home to.

    Catered Lunches: Working on tight deadlines makes it hard to go out and have a good lunch, so they bring the good food to you.

    I always appreciated having a way to unwind. So encouraging gaming nights, or ping pong tourney's or whatever was just a good way to build camaraderie.

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