
Out of context: Reply #307

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  • georgesIII0

    So let me get it straight,

    if a forum discuss a subject that doesn't interest you, it's because they are angry and disaffected,

    can't you even see the huge generalisations you are making?

    Why can I get some really deep debate on a bodybuilding forum but can't in a design forum, why do I always get personally attacked but the ideas are never, ever discussed,

    I believe people here are a lot more extremist in their views because they rarely are open to discuss new subjects or anything they find new and different, they will resort to name calling, every fuckn time,

    btw on your third paragraph, are you saying that because people live in a places where discrimination is internalized instead of spoken frankly, there is none? Am I understanding you right?

    • No, I'm suggesting that Stormfront possibly attracts more politicking than QBN, for Very Obvious Reasons.detritus
    • You're attacked because of your sheer arrogance, your holier than thou mentality, based on utter teeny bopper nonsense.set
    • I visit sport forums, feminism forums, music forums, fuckn cooking forums, but only here do I get constantly attacked for just simple ideas and links that noone ever follow throughgeorgesIII
    • You assume everyone else is ignorant and stupid because you've read a load of teenage tumblr posts.set
    • simple ideas and links that noone ever follow throughgeorgesIII
    • yeah, set, I assume everyone is ignorant, bad, smelly and poor, now if you could answer two simple questions, maybe I'd take you seriouslygeorgesIII
    • you seriouslygeorgesIII
    • How thick can you get? How many times must I repeat myself? Why would I answer those questions?set
    • So fucking unfathomably moronic. Read my posts, understand why I don't have answers to your questions.set
    • Christ.set
    • yeah, so I can only come to the conclusion that you are a troll that doesn't not care about the pseudo equality he preachesgeorgesIII

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