Sony Hacked

Out of context: Reply #33

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  • whatthefunk0

    I believe either Rogan and/or Franco had something to do with this hack. They were probably unhappy with the final edit and people in their respective camps proposed/supported the idea to turn this into some sensationalist digital campaign heist. NYC is full of pussies now and to pull this premier of a mediocre film is downright offensive and laughable. bullet and prophet are spot on - it's an SEO campaign at best. Amazing how you can leverage search and manipulate the media and social on a grand scale - I'm calling utter and complete bullshit.

    North Korea is too busy manufacturing meth and trying to turn a buck in other directions to wield some far reaching cyber troll like this. It does make you wonder though, what better way to infiltrate the fear responses of the American public than by hitting some Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, TMZ channel in a political way.

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