
Out of context: Reply #257

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  • i_monk0

    I can play that game too and ask you to name one thing she said in her video that are actually based on truth – georgesIII

    OK. Here are three.

    1. Gamergate isn't actually about ethics in journalism:

    "But an analysis by Newsweek found that Twitter users tweeting the hashtag #GamerGate direct negative tweets at critics of the gaming world more than they do at the journalists whose coverage they supposedly want scrutinized."

    "In the following graphic, compare how often GamerGaters tweet at Zoe Quinn, a developer, and Nathan Grayson, a Kotaku games journalist. In August, GamerGaters accused Grayson of giving Quinn’s game Depression Quest favorable reviews because Grayson and Quinn had been in a relationship. The relationship was fact, those ‘favorable reviews’ were fiction."

    "Twitter users have tweeted at Quinn using the #GamerGate hashtag 10,400 times since September 1. Grayson has received 732 tweets with the same hashtag during the same period. If GamerGate is about ethics among journalists, why is the female developer receiving 14 times as many outraged tweets as the male journalist?"

    2. Gamergate is actually about attacking people, regardless of their unethical behaviour in game journalism:

    "That's not to say there aren't real problems in video game journalism. There are. There's Warner Bros recent attempt to legally coerce YouTubers into providing positive coverage for their game Shadow of Mordor. There's Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford's promise to hold reviewers who slammed Duke Nukem Forever "accountable." There's publisher's tendencies to push out "bullshot," footage which has been manipulated to make a game look more graphically impressive than it really is. There's the games industry's massive focus on awards shows, which are arguably at this point more about hype than anything else. There's plenty of problems to go around.

    "But is this what Gamergaters talk about? No, not even remotely. Instead of talking about major publishers bullying reviewers into giving their games' good reviews or the industry's obsession with award shows, Gamergaters focus their ire on small developers, feminist critics, and the journalists who support them."

    3. Women are being threatened over this and she personally was threatened with death if she spoke at Utah State Uni:

    "As you are aware, several USU staff members received a threatening email at 10:15 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 13 regarding Anita Sarkeesian’s talk scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 15. As you probably have read, this email threatened both Ms. Sarkeesian and those who attended her event.

    "The safety of our students, staff and USU community is paramount to us. USU police were contacted immediately, as were state and federal agencies, including the Utah Statewide Information and Analysis Center, the FBI Cyber Terrorism Task Force, and the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit.

    "Prior to the threat, USU police were already making preparations for security as Ms. Sarkeesian had received threats in the past..."

    Bonus: Here's a female developer being chased from her home. Because developers are to blame for what journalists write, somehow, and this isn't about harassing women who dare to criticize the status quo in gaming:

    • Wrote this long as post about how you are wrong, yada, yada, yada, then I realise, I've just have to wait a year or two and you'll agree with megeorgesIII
    • you'll agree with me, no joke I'm bookmarking this postgeorgesIII
    • Weak ass shit reply, trollboy.i_monk
    • patheticset

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