UFO of the day

Out of context: Reply #171

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  • GeorgesIV0

    copy//paste from blog thread

    Disclaimer, you should never point a laser to the sky even if you think there's no plane around.

    ok, last year I read a thread on some random forum that you could summon ufo by pointing a laser to the sky and making geometric forms,

    then magically a ufo should appears,

    So I try it one night nothing happens, go out with my wife and on our way back I spot a bright pulsating light on my right, I live not too far from an aiport but it's not a plane nor a helicopter,

    (some pics I took while my wife was driving, light on the center)

    [inb4 oMg u saw venus.. no it wasn't venus, I spend way too much time looking at the sky to not know the difference, but I also checked sky map to make sure, so no it wasn't venus or the moon]

    the eeriest thing was that it was positioned in a way that I could see it perfectly from the spot were I summoned it from earlier.

    here's a long exposure, you can see that the stars are a lot dimmer in the background, you could barely see most of them, but the thing was bright as fuck

    Because I'm not a cunt and I'm sick of seeing shaky ufo videos, I pulled out my trépied, so we can see it well, I'm currently uploading the videos on youtube, tell me if you want to see them,

    basically it was just floating there, I was cold as fuck, I got bored, got back inside.




    • lolmonospaced
    • somewhat anticlimacticdasohr
    • Next time take Google Sky Map with you and just make sure it ain't Venus, yo.detritus
    • haha, he says exactly before scrolling down and seeing the middle bit of text he missed first timedetritus
    • great, shake the tripod thenfeel
    • hahaha goldinteliboy

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