iPhone 6

Out of context: Reply #133

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  • ETM0

    Apple never had new ideas (yes it's been said before). They took bad ideas with potential and Steve said "this is shit", I will make this good. I'll spin it as only I can. And he did. The product (Mac, iPod, iPhone etc.) was so polished and consumer friendly it seemed new because the general masses were unaware of the segment, and the more savvy had a product that solved their long-existed gripes with the segment. That was always his magic.

    Problem is with the smart watch, the segment is basically non-existent, people don't even know what's wrong with the segment yet to help Apple make it right. So rather than re-inventing and stealing the segment, they are gambling with the segment.

    Some might say they did that with the iPad, though I think the iPad was a much safer gamble and they knew it could replace casual laptop use.

    So what does the watch segment replace? Very little but mainly niche fitness devices. Is that enough to gain traction to appeal to the general masses? Who knows. Arrogant to yet assume one way or the other.

    But without a visionary at the helm, Apple won't be greater than the sum of it's parts as it was with Jobs. All the designers they can hire can't replace vision. The great designers made the vision a reality, they were the working hands to Steve's mind.

    • don't forget, the iPod took off not just because of product, but because of the iTunes store integrationmonospaced
    • and how Apple forced the music industry into the "now"monospaced
    • Also, the entire way people listen to music was changing thanks to Napster, etc. Timing is everything!nb
    • Napster, Limewire etc. wasn;t user friendly for the masses, like everything Apple, iTunes made it accessible to normal people.ETM
    • Now iTunes is a bloated POS though. lolETM
    • iTunes is easy to use? Please. Limewire was no more difficult (I actually used it, iTunes I will not use)formed
    • Yeah, well you didn;t end up with malware using iTunes, did you? Or misnamed files. Or honeypots.ETM
    • Average people don't know how to avoid that shit in P2P networks.ETM
    • I was referring more to the ecosystem and the .99c tracks.monospaced
    • Agree, all parts of the term "accessible" IMO.ETM
    • "Yeah, well you didn;t end up with malware using iTunes, did you?"
      *cough* U2 album *cough*

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