
Out of context: Reply #73

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  • IRNlun60

    Some of us have been here for over a decade. Just think back at who you where and how you thought when you where in your late teens or early twenties... or at any point in your life for that matter. We've all done and said stupid shit.

    It's one thing to spam and over post which completely wreaks this place. But banning people over offensive words, casting them away, deeming them no longer worth listening too, they're worthless and no longer welcome... how is that any less offensive?

    No one here is special. We've all had tragedies in ours or our families lives. Offensive words and actions will never go away. What frustrates me about banning people, firing people, silencing them over words is that you've taken away the opportunity for someone to perhaps see things from your perspective.

    • watch out, that kind of logic gets you labeled a 'retard' around heremonospaced
    • yeah retard2002
    • I
    • is mono still in to chink chicks?2002
    • i dunno but
    • ban himmmmmmGeorgesII
    • I've never said that chink line before, btwmonospaced
    • you cant remember what you said yesterday.2002
    • let it be mono, it's like people calling me a racist because they think I'm son (because skin color... sigh)GeorgesII
    • whatevermonospaced
    • mono - you a 'tard cause of all your apple balble lolfadein11

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