
Out of context: Reply #27

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  • nb0

    What you eat is the biggest thing. Get a diet tracking app and use it for a couple weeks. It's a huge hassle, but it will educate you on which foods are making you fat. I'm amazed how many of my friends think cheese is "not that bad for you".

    Calorie Intake - Calorie Outtake = Whether you'll gain or lose weight.

    Also, I found it's MUCH easier to stop eating high calorie or fattening food than it is to start (and stick to) doing workouts. You get in the habit of not buying cheese, meat, bread, snacks, juice, alcohol, etc and then you don't really have to do anything.

    As for exercise, find something you like doing. Try every sport (except baseball) until you find one that is so fun that you feel like doing it every day. I joined a recreational soccer team a few years ago and I feel like I want to play soccer every day. I was terrible at first, but just wanting to do it kept me going back. No one ever has to drag me to soccer. I'd play twice a day if I could.

    As for running, swimming, and other sports that are self-motivated: I've found that it's important to pay attention to how good you feel after you work out. If I swim some laps in the morning, my whole day feels better. I sleep better. Fitter, happier, more productive, comfortable. Thom Yorke was wrong, all those 90s slogans are the truth.

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