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Out of context: Reply #1768

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  • CygnusZero40

    Im honestly getting frustrated as lame as that sounds. Its because I dont own a PS4 or X1. I already invested in the U, I was hoping that 1.5 years in they would have delivered some sick games by now, but nope, more rushed safe sequels.

    For the rest of this year the U is only getting Bayonetta 2, another freaking smash bros sequel and some stupid slow Toad game based on those horrible minigames in 3D World. I mean, thats it??? Well I guess I have no choice but to get one of the other systems.

    Im so bored with the U that Im in the middle of playing Super Metroid for the 4th time since it was released in the eshop. Thats the only value ive gotten out of this useless system. Everyone at Nintendo should be fired.

    • I went from a 360 to a PS4 and very happy with it, have more games on it than I have time to playernexbcn
    • ps4 and xb1 both have their issues. ps3 still rocks and has a great library of titles.e_p
    • care to explain the issues?ernexbcn
    • here read thsi article, it explains the 2 consoles vs their release vs today.. issues! some solved..e_p
    • Just ditch it, after smash brothers what on earth is there? Zelda? yawwwwnanimatedgif
    • Hang on to it until you're bored of Smash then sell it and get a PS4 for MGS V and Bloodborneanimatedgif

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