Israel bombing shit..

Out of context: Reply #537

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  • imagineallthepeople0


    "Eager to hear Israel's cheerleaders defend the bombing of a hospital."

    "Why everyone let them do what they want like it's normal?"

    because it is normal. this is what normally happens when a regular army goes against a densely populated area, if you let an army loose in such an environment. what normally happens is carnage.

    apart from the fact that hospitals, ambulances, mosques, etc. are used by hamas for military purposes, which makes them 'legal' targets instantly. apart from that, you have to expect shit going wrong in war, especially in this kind of environment. as terrible at it is, this is what normally happens. SNAFU. can't be avoided. war sucks. shouldn't be a suprise to anybody.


    the only thing not normal here is that usually the leadership of a densely populated area wouldn't let it come to this point. normally they would posess a sense of responsibility for the safety of their citizens and consequently and give in to the terms of the superior military opponent to avoid human suffering and dead children, to avoid the carnage. the terms of the israelis are simple: stop firing at us.

    hamas has refused every single proposal for cease fire, they still refuse now, after 13 days of carnage. apart from that they have of course violated every humanitarian cease fire that the israelis respected.

    you have to conclude that hamas does not want to stop the children of gaza to die, like everybody else does. because if they would want to stop the children of gaza to die, they would accept a cease fire. they could end the bombings immediately.

    so, maybe hamas + friends are not insane, but they are cynic as fuck, that's for sure. while they know that they can't win militarily, they know that they can maybe win the PR war. hamas needs these children to die for their PR campaign.

    that is why responsible people and media are hesitant to acknowledge the brutality in the way that hamas wants. which is of course to blame israel for killing civilans and violating human rights. if you buy into the hamas narrative, you do your own little part in their PR war. if the world refused to buy into that shit, hamas would have no reason not to stop the carnage.

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