Israel bombing shit..

Out of context: Reply #530

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  • benfal990

    There's no laws against killing civilians during a war? Why everyone let them do what they want like it's normal?

    • Laws in a war? Are you looking for a FIFA ref to get out there and start tossing some red cards?PonyBoy
    • What 'laws' are really in a war?PonyBoy
    • Actually there are rules, treaties like the Geneva Convention.reanimate
    • and if you think either side follows those treaties - you're out of your mind... the winner always writes historyPonyBoy
    • again... there are no referees... to think that war will ever be 'fair' is a silly notion... erase it from your headPonyBoy
    • are there rules against using civilians as human shields? (just asking... no way am I taking sides here)PonyBoy
    • I mean... its war... why would there be any rules? I'm trying to understand the thought process of those who think there are rulesMiguex
    • there are rules during war...

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