Malaysia Flight MH17

Out of context: Reply #130

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  • benfal990

    The Youtube is real, wrote Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON :

    (Google Translate from french to english)
    The plane "civil 100%"

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) published in the evening interception of what they described as a conversation between two rebel leaders after examining the location of the crash.

    - "These are the guys checkpoint Tchernoukhine who shot down the plane. It disintegrated in the air, "said one of them," Major. "

    - "? And then," asked the other, "Grek".

    - "This is a civilian aircraft to 100%" (...).

    - "Will he armed?"

    - "No, nothing, only civil cases."

    - "Documents?"

    - "There is an Indonesian student."

    The chief of the Ukrainian security Valentin Nalyvaïtchenko convened in the evening a press conference to emphasize that these conversations "officers of the GRU (Russian military intelligence) were intercepted and transcribed in accordance with the law."

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