Open Carry in America

Out of context: Reply #162

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  • monospaced0

    Here's an article from a pro-gun guy that actually makes sense.

    "So please, open carriers, stop “defending my rights”. Just stop. You’re not helping. You’re not creating friends. You’re not “proving how important it is to exercise our rights.” You also have a right to wander the streets dressed in drag; do you exercise that right? And you’re not “getting people used to open carry.” For years, the Westboro Baptist Church has angered people by protesting at funerals. America hasn’t gotten used to it. We grudgingly tolerate it because it’s legal, but pretty much everybody hopes the WBC picks the wrong funeral and gets beaten senseless. America will never say, “The Westboro Baptist Church? What a great group of guys!” And you open carriers will never NOT provoke a reaction by carrying an AR-15 inside Chipotle."…

    • doesnt understand rights. just comments on how other people perceive the situation. hasnt been to nyc where peopleyurimon
    • use their right to dress in drag. but cant carry gun in nyc though.yurimon
    • he definitely understands the rights, he's just pointing out that these people aren't helping by exercising them like thismonospaced
    • Oh you mean helping the other people hate who dont understand rights?yurimon
    • Hey yurimon, go troll 4chan for a while so the adults can talk.i_monk
    • look yuri, read the article and his arguments, you won't have to ask so many stupid questionsmonospaced
    • your bias = truth = adult hood. icyurimon

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