Open Carry in America

Out of context: Reply #139

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  • Ramanisky20

    1st day of Open Carry Anywhere law in GA

    John Doe walked into an Enmark (gas station convenience store for those of you who aren’t Southern) with a gun holstered on his hip. He was more or less minding his own business, but you already know I have all the Shade toward anyone who feels like they need to walk around with a gun visible. That’s really just you being a dick. The fact that you HAVE a gun visible makes you more of a target. But anyway, John Doe wasn’t bothering anybody.

    Ronald Williams comes in, sees John Doe with his gun attached to his waist, and starts a confrontation.

    Ronald: You got a permit for that?
    John: Excuse me?
    Ronald: I said... **takes of sunglasses (because this is how I always imagine rednecks with inflated egos)** got a permit for that?
    John: I don’t have to show you anything.
    Ronald: I’ll ask you once again...**takes his own gun out of the holster** got a permit for that gun, boy? (Rednecks like saying “boy”)
    John: I’m just buying pork skins and gas. Bye.
    Ronald: Don’t you walk away from me when I’m talking to you, boy. You ain’t the only one with a gun round these parts.


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