What happens when you die?

Out of context: Reply #31

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  • BrokenHD0

    I think of it like this:

    Millions of miles of raw space dust coalesces for a brief moment, to become star, to become planet, then single-celled and eventually complex, attaining consciousness, and thereby living a "life." The life eventually ends for most, due to entropy. The raw material that makes you "you" is then broken back down and absorbed into the planet from whence it came, and eventually, back into the star. The star inevitably dies and spews forth its evermore complex guts into space. The cool part is that the raw material, due to the laws of physics, will coalesce once again, later in time, to live another "life." This happens over and over, forever. The fact that the law of gravity or attraction or whatever exists, is super sweet and divine. At least until we figure out how to extract and harness the Higgs-boson. lol

    Since the universe is infinite and possibilities are infinite, your exact consciousness (i.e. a certain combination of chemical/material reactions et al) will eventually repeat, verbatim. Many times it will not, which is also fun. Explains deja vu, past lives, reincarnation. The vast span of time between these lives matters not, as space dust is not conscious of the passing time, until its brief, conscious coalescence.

    Thats my theory anyway. Came up with it while holding my breath in a swimming pool sometime around '00.

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