not everyone is beautiful

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • cannonball19780

    I was rooting for this until the end of the article, where it veers right into the heart of what it is arguing against. Here, let's get rid of this malfunctioning word "beautiful" and replace it with a few other ones.

    "Everyone is valuable." No.

    Not everyone is valuable. In fact, when you are born, you are basically valueless. You are important to your parents, but think about it like a stock option. That value is based on speculation. There is no intrinsic value there.

    "Everyone is important." No.

    No, not everyone is important. In the greater scheme, most of us getting violently killed would be traumatic for some people, but to the world would keep on spinning. Most of those people would get over it with time.

    "Everyone is interesting." No.

    Nobody is interesting to everyone because we aren't all watched on television by everyone else. Not everybody is interesting to someone, either, because people die alone every day.

    "Everyone is worth loving." Well, this it depends...

    If this is to mean everyone has the opportunity to pursue love, then yes. If this means everyone deserves love, then no. Nobody deserves anything.

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