terry richardson

Out of context: Reply #93

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    I don't like the guys photography and would guess at least some of these stories are true...and yet...he still is shooting for the best magazines with the biggest stars. I have only seen one quote from someone I know (Coco Rocha and all she said was "I won't work with him again").

    Has there ever been any charges filed?

    It's just bizarre. Jezebel is getting a TON of traffic from this, though, and they keep 'breaking' "new" stories (I just saw another one that people kept sharing on fb). All just strange.

    What's stranger is the guy made $64 million last year.

    • $64mill...zero chanceBusterBoy
    • Even if he worked for $160K a day, 5 days a week, he'd only make $40mil.bainbridge
    • < licensing - not daily rate.fadein11

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