Open Carry in America

Out of context: Reply #103

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  • nb0

    Fuck you to anyone who supports Open Carry. Fuck you and rot in hell.

    Are they suggesting that Open Carry participants are not threatening anyone? That they are not aggressively seeking confrontation with those who disagree with them?

    It's a total power-play. A bunch of tiny-dick, weak-ass motherfuckers who wouldn't last a week without the justice system protecting their stupid asses. And they're walking around with assault weapons acting as though they're not threatening people and their lives?

    Think about the damage these douchebags are doing to kids, women, the mentally challenged, the elderly, people with anxiety, etc. Imagine some old lady having a near heart-attack, or a kid being scared for their life. What a complete piece of shit you have to be to do this. If you see these assholes, call the police. Confront them. Stand up against this shit, America.

    There is NO normal sane person in the world that would support Open Carry. If you support this level of gun culture, you need to seek professional help. Or you need to be locked up, forever.

    • You're batshit crazy. Who cares its legal, it America. Move on you neo nazi.yurimon
    • He cares because America is a beautiful nation where laws can be changed by people. Not like nazis you neocon fuckmonospaced
    • And +1 nbmonospaced
    • + guneoin
    • +1 for mono and slaves...yurimon
    • Well Mono then you should be ok with open carry cause its legal. so respect the law and carry on.yurimon
    • Well its a republic not a democracy. so rights of few should be protected from the ignorantyurimon
    • Is this the progress you had in mind? http://www.mintpress…yurimon

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