Flat stomach?

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  • robotron3k0

    this year I started out once a week working out for 2 solid hours. Basically my plan was just to keep moving and resting and moving for 2 hours. Starting slowly at first, going to a local track. jogging slowly, stoping for rest, also sprints, jumping, planks, and using the pullup bars, situps, balance beams, stretching, squating, etc., - basically anything they had at the park I made it into a workout Creating small workout sets, I did that for 1 month.

    The next month I worked out twice a week, doing longer sets, running a bit further 2-4 miles. I kept my intensity by just changing my workouts every time I worked out. It kept it interesting and fun - this I think is the key.

    This last month I have been working out every other day for 2 hours, sometimes 6-7 miles in a workout. I'm doing lots of reps and stretching and my whole body is getting toned and my gut has gone down on the sides and my stomach is getting cut with little effort. I also seems like I can run for miles and miles with little effort.

    It seems to me, changing your workout every time you work out (just a bit) helps to keeps lot's of intensity. That seems to be the key for me, I'm looking forward as the summer progresses...

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