Flat stomach?

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • fyoucher10

    All about getting rid of fat that covers your abs -- you need to create a caloric deficit and force your body to use fat as energy. You can't target areas of fat loss specifically (i.e. just lose the fat from your belly), so it'll come from overall loss. Ab exercises will help and will actually build a "6-pack of muscle" but it's almost entirely about losing weight (not muscle but fat weight). Even if you do have a six-pack from doing a gazillion ab exercises, you won't see it because it's covered up by visceral fat. How you create a caloric deficit is obviously by dieting but also cardio and weight training (but about 85% dieting). How your body burns fat is your metabolism. As you get older, your metabolism slows, storing more fat as an energy backup. You need to try and change this, so your body burns more energy and begins using fat as an energy source. If you're not also doing weight-training, you'll begin using muscle as your energy source as well, so it's probably a good idea to do weight twice a week.

    All of this >>> much harder than you think :) Personally, if I were you, spend some loot on a trainer and someone to help with dieting. It's easier to stick to if you're paying someone else to help rather than do it yourself - who likes to waste money?

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