How's this done?

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  • runDMB0

    If you don't want to use Quicktime, get a series of images set at regular intervals of rotation and import them into Flash. You get a pretty smooth action with 36 images each rotated by 10° more than the previous one if you see what I mean.

    Put each image in a separate keyframe within a Movie Clip. Put a Stop action on the first frame of the Movie Clip.

    Then it's just a matter of how you want to cycle through the images in the clip to give the impression of rotation. The simplest way is to use a simple slider that tells the movieclip to jump frames as you drag it. You could just track the mouse and make the object spin as you move left or right. There are loads of options.

    I had to make one for a client a while ago. We were just sent a huge streetlight and told to do it. We had to make a revolving table out of a dustbin and some bits of wood to get the photo series!

    it's at:…

    click the "360° image" button. It's only got about 16 frames so it's not the smoothest, but time was tight.

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