Paypal new logo

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • Peter0

    >are case studies just filled with bullshit words?

    They're not real "case studies", more adverts to show how impossibly clever the design studio was in their approach.

    A proper case study (if done properly, i.e. not just process and methods but measured result to verify their claims of "increaded user preception" and whatnot) seems early at this stage, it's only been out for ... a few days?

    • ...unless they user-tested and survey on some massive scale. Could give them the benefit of the doubt. But mostly BS words, yup.Peter
    • ...unless they held several large focus groups and went over many explorations, which IS a case studymonospaced
    • ...just like GAP did ;)Peter
    • Seriously though, thanks for repeating my note. Iteration isn't a requirement for a case study btwPeter
    • I wasn't repeating. Dont have to be mean about it damn.monospaced
    • Don't I?
      BOT., I like the logo, even though it's pretty lazy.

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