Flash is back?

Out of context: Reply #103

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  • monospaced0

    If people really cared about having Flash on their mobile phones, and if it were really a feature that mattered to them, or was in any way important, than the iPhone wouldn't have sold as well. People would have said, "Hey, that phone doesn't have a seriously important fucking internet feature in its browser, I can't live without Flash, fuck Apple."

    But they didn't. Apple may have made the anti-Flash decision because of it not being mobile optimized, or that it was shit for touch, or that it competed with its app store, but they were the odd duck, and the new kid on the block at the time. At that point, if Adobe thought Apple would be a success (nobody thought they would be), they could have taken a mobile-optimized version of Flash seriously, but they didn't. They thought they could sit back and everything would be fine.

    Eventually they realized Apple was right, Flash wasn't really great on phones, even the ones it ran on. They discontinued support for Flash on mobile. That was their decision, and the decision of the customers who simply didn't care that Flash wasn't on their phones, and those who simply didn't care that it WAS either.

    Now there's this. Flash outputs HTML5 and it's got missing features, and that means it can be on mobile again, I guess. It's seriously late, but good for Adobe for not killing Flash completely.

    • nope - was too small a feature to concern the sheepfadein11
    • you're only backing up my argument when you say that.monospaced

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