LA vs. NYC?

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • monospaced0

    I grew up and went to college in Southern California, started my career and lived in San Francisco, and have spent the last few years in New York City.

    When it comes to pure quality of life as a default, I'd say LA is still the winner for the obvious reasons (weather, produce, prices). But, but... there's no reason you can't have a great quality of life in NYC, you just need more money. Luckily, wages here are usually adjusted to provide a similar standard to LA, and despite many misconceptions, NYC is incredibly clean and safe and convenient.

    If life quality is about having everything at your fingertips at all hours, attending music and theatre, and being in a place with limitless opportunities, then NYC is great. But if you prefer the weather patterns in coastal CA, are willing to put up with driving all the time, and don't mind the occasional violent neighborhood, then LA is great.

    It's still not fair to compare the two. Manhattan is really unique, and my recent trip to SF confirms this. Yes, SF is building up (vertically) and has neighborhoods, it is very much small-town feeling still, and has a few decades to go before it even resembles NYC. LA is so spread out that to this day when someone says they're from there, I am forced to ask them to clarify. It's not a unified city, LA is a county with all kinds of shit in it, and many places you wouldn't ever go.

    • NY quality of life is great if you live on 5th ave or central park west and only stay in ny for a bit.yurimon
    • great post monomoldero
    • yurimon, always with a comment that reveals your complete lack of knowledgemonospaced

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