
Out of context: Reply #14

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  • GeorgesIV0

    you make your whole point by implying I believe in AGW,
    I don't, which doesn't mean I hate this planet or agree with our polluting of it,

    my point is C02 is one of the many gases that populate our atmosphere, methane for example is more nocive, C02 is extremely beneficial to plants, so by diminishing the amount of it, we are slowly shooting ourselves in the foot, because it will lead to less yield in crops, but I digress

    now, do we need to get our shit together, Yes,
    but I want to see corporation which are doing most of the polluting (shell, exxon, coca cola, apple, dell, etc the list is long) pay their share to fix this planet,

    you make a point that other planets are experiencing greenhouse effect too, but they are not experiencing it, because of our increase of c02 in their sky, they're doing it because of the sun, you know that thing in the sky that produces effects that we're only starting to understand,

    it irks me everytime someone pulls a chart with some dots and says things like "look you see, this is the coldest year since 1980, so global warming" it's low level alarmism,

    eg 1: See will rise and by 2100 shit will be cray cray, but these are computer mapped projections, there's no real way to understand such a complex ecosystem, we may experience the most severe drought by 2100 nobody knows…

    eg 2: this one is good though, the icebreaker sent to study the melting of the antartica gets stuck in the ice, and all the other icebreakers sent to his rescue gets stuck too, you can't imagine how much diesel which was released into the air…

    eg 3: you know why they're saying the polar vortex is the worst since 1980, because years before that, we went through a brutal winter and "climate expert believe we would be in a ice age now"
    watch it, it's hilarious and so similar to the message their spewing today

    can't we honestly stop with the fear porn already because I swear in 20 years we will be back to saying we're entering a new ice age caused by cow farts

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