Teaching kids to code

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  • orrinward20

    I work for a company that sort of does this, called AppsforGood - appsforgood.org

    We help schools in the UK to give a much better IT education than they currently offer, by working with industry experts and the schools to offer courses that fit into the existing IT curriculum requirements but teach IT skills in a "build-a-business-and-app" context.

    Secondary school teachers teach the curriculum to their students, which includes lean/agile product development process mixed in with learning the practical stuff of computer usage and also code, prototyping etc. "Expert" volunteers visit the schools on demo-days and for product reviews and general advice, and at the end of the year the students enter their prototypes and pitches into a competition, and the winners' get their app produced and released to App Stores.

    If you want to branch out and potentially offer your expertyness to a school (it's an occasional hour-long session with the kids, as and when suits you) then get in touch with me at


    As someone that hated my IT education and felt restricted in the way it was taught as a box-ticking supplement to my English/Maths classes, and have since fallen in love with startupland, I really love what we're doing.

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