Creative Feedback vs Creative Direction

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  • Continuity0

    'Anyone else have any experience with this subtlety?'

    Oooooh, yeah.

    I think the problem doesn't stem from hack CDs trying to cover their arses (most of the time).

    Rather, the problem is the staff being directed. On the one hand, they want clear direction and all of this, but on the other hand they get butthurt when someones tells them what to do.

    I had this experience in an agency in which I worked last year. I noticed my own ECD not being all that clear about what he wanted, his direction taking the shape of this nebulous 'feedback' approach. I didn't like it, so I decided to be direct and to the point with my own team, so that they clearly understood what I expected from them.

    It only took a couple of times for me to say, 'This isn't good. Please do it this, that and the other way so we can show it to the client' for me to be the bad guy. My job description was that I was to direct that team to crank out good work; when I did what was expected of me, the team got their noses out of joint and started complaining to my ECD because they didn't like being told what to do.

    Just can't win.

    • I've been told before that I work too fast, sigh...GeorgesIV
    • Haha. Too fast = 'you're coming in way too low under budget, and we can't bill for the big bucks'Continuity
    • exactly, I'm so sorry I want to finish my shit by 6pm and get the fuck home, nope gotta stay till 9 because we're creatives..GeorgesIV
    • try throwing a bit of praise in. Tell them you like it so far, but it's just not finishedProjectile

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