Occupy buys debt

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • set0

    Money is debt. The banking system and currency is designed to create debt. When there is money there is debt. Debt will never, ever be paid off while currency in it's current form still exists.

    Money was born from masons turned bankers who realised they could hand out paper 'I owe you's' for twice, five, ten times the value of the physical coin that those papers represented. The whole system is built to keep the masses in debt and the bankers rich.

    I'm sure I'm stating the obvious to some, but for any kind of bright future, the whole monetary system has to be abolished...

    • Yep we've all seen Zeitgeist :)fadein11
    • How on earth we'll ever manage that, I have no idea.set
    • Well my point is that all this paying off debt business is ultimately pointlessset
    • Imagine if everyone just refused to acknowledge it. Then we'd be getting somewhere.set
    • ...but of course it's a noble sentiment, and a step in right direction.set
    • Fuck

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