Washington D.C. or Chicago?

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • johndiggity0

    I've lived in both and Chicago is worlds better than DC. Much more to do, amazing food and beer scene, very easy place to live, much, much more affordable than DC. Housing is plentiful, comparatively. There's a real modern sensibility compared to DC where there's a lot of emphasis on history.

    That being said, the winter can be a downer, and despite the cold weather, there's nowhere worthwhile to ski or snowboard—it's a prairie. Pretty much nix any type of outdoorsy activities as well, except visiting the lake 3 months of the year. I'd argue DC has more access to better skiing and much better hiking/nature if that's your thing. If you really love cities and city living, you will love Chicago.

    Lastly, the design community in Chicago is absolutely thriving compared to DC. It's just a much more diverse city from a business standpoint and that brings in a lot of different opportunities compared to the standard boring government contract pr type work that's common in DC.

    • We snowboard just fine around here, thank you.mg33
    • Better outdoor stuff in Wisconsin and Michigan for sure.mg33
    • Granite Peak was cool, but there's much better skiing closer to DC than the 5 hour trip to Wausau WI.johndiggity

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