Washington D.C. or Chicago?

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • mg330

    I've been in Chicago for over 12 years now and still love it. It's a real love/hate city sometimes because of how expensive it can be, and the general bullshit of city politics and our ridiculous mayor Rahm Emanuel. Sometimes I really start to daydream about being out of the city eventually, when we hopefully have kids and want something a little more calm with an actual house, yard, privacy, etc.

    But as it is, I love having everything at my fingertips like I do. I live in Lakeview and I'm 30 seconds away form the subway station. Close to the lake. All the restaurants we could want or need around us. Quick to get downtown. Nice quiet street, good neighbors in our condo building.

    But like I said, looking forward to eventually leaving it behind. I'll be 36 in December and I figure by the time I'm 40 it will be time for something new. We're fortunate to own 2 places, one that we rent that will be paid off soon, so when we make that next move I'm hoping we'll be getting a whole house whether it's in the city or not.

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