To tweet or not to tweet

Out of context: Reply #30

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  • nb0

    You might want to avoid admitting to people the following:

    • you used twitter a few times then gave up
    • you don't "get" twitter
    • you think twitter is "all just people tweeting about their lunch"

    I mean, it's fine if that's how you feel. Nobody really cares. But, when you say this around people who use Twitter (especially in a work environment) you sound like someone's old grandmother who doesn't understand why people text or use Facebook. You know, it could hurt your chances of getting promoted or listened to on other issues or whatever.

    That's my opinion, anyway.

    • I'm not saying you need to tweet or even use twitter at all.nb
    • It's just funny to hear people who don't understand it act like it's everyone else who is the idiot.nb
    • if i stuck with or even understood twitter I would totally tweet this.capn_ron
    • < yep - bang on.fadein11
    • i understand it...CALLES

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