godaddy buys mediatemple

Out of context: Reply #66

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  • shaft0

    You make it seem as if (mt) hosting was the golden standard. Well it wasn't . If you ask me, I'd tell you that you thought it was good because it had a tight website and was expensive.

    If I had a beer every time in the last decade I heard a designer say "I need to finish my portfolio, just bought a hosting package on (mt), they're the best, right?", I'd have a liver failure by now.

    Time and again, people who work in marketing (that's you QBN'rs), bought into good marketing. Not saying it's a bad thing, mind.

    No, they weren't the best hosting company out there. They were ok, but with a history of problems. I read many comments yesterday saying GoDaddy was actually more reliable in comparison. So there.

    In the end, I'll quote a classic:
    "Nothing is fucked here, Dude. Come on, you're being very un-Dude."

    • < this.utopian
    • I've only experienced one time GoDaddy failed on me in the last 10 years.monospaced
    • "GoDaddy was actually more reliable..."
      I was nodding my head in agreement up until that line
    • That's just random opinions from yesterday, I never used either for hosting, so couldn't tell myself.shaft

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