
Out of context: Reply #2

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  • colin_s0

    it's really sad how japan is getting hit for the fukushima disaster. like, the country endured a huge earthquake / tsunami and extraordinary circumstances resulted in a nuclear disaster.

    the united states had a natural disaster in katrina that resulted in prolific costs, both monetary and human, to which there's been relatively little follow up and the entire new orleans basin still remains problematic if not destroyed.

    it'd be a thing if american journalism started qualifying native disasters as worth following up on. not saying japan's predicament isn't worth international attention, but at least they're actually attempting to fix a major problem, while nations like ours are more willing to sweep this sort of shit under the rug while we concentrate on someone else's news.

    • you know that they've increased the authorized lethal radiation dose twice now, they don't give a fuck about usGeorgesIV
    • Ummm, the website in question is not American. It is Russian owned.boobs

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