Hooked On Vice

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • moldero3

    + havent you ever watched a movie before and loved the hell out of it only to later find out it got really bad ratings? were all wired differently, we all like different things. and who rates this shit anyway?
    its people who get too caught up with, "that effect didn't look real" well,
    of course it didn't look real because its not, and besides dinosaurs are fucking dead. people lack the use of their imagination these days, they act more like critics, watch a movie and critique it rather than let their imagination take them away for 90 minutes or so, then they go out and rate that shit. I'm not going to watch a movie or a documentary based on what a bunch of short attention span sheep prefer to watch, they can go watch their "top 100 most whatever" show on Discovery, short attention span television at its finest. maybe that should be a movie, i bet the ratings will be through the roof!
    looking at all the formulaic garbage with no storyline Hollywood has been pumping out lately,

    • insert intro here
    * insert character build here
    • insert foreshadowing to predictable twist here
    • insert WTF shot here
    • insert Nicholas cage here
    • insert predictable twist here

    I don't trust anyone with an opinion on a flick or doc, let me watch it and I can judge it for myself, then I'll keep that opinion to myself so you can judge for yourself. I for one welcome our alternative documentary overlords.

    • This thread was starting to make me angry.. but you saved it with this post.bogue
    • thanks moldero hahahektor911
    • no problem brothermoldero

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