Wordpress - running multiple sites off one database?

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • vaxorcist0

    ? is it because the webhost charges by the database ?

    ? they could switch web hosts ?

    @hereswhatidid is right... this sounds like penny wise dollar foolishness, possible hint of future randomness....

    it could be done by using caching, and cloudflare and making sure you set table prefixes carefully, but I smell duct tape engineering ...

    the randomness that might happen due to this kludge may be blamed on you, so beware of a possible all-nighter or two when something randomly weird happens due to an update-WP quirk when you least expect it...

    cloudflare can help by essentially caching your site all over a CDN, but it also means that your "update content" procedure gets more complicated and/or you have to live with a time delay to propegate changes....

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