Out of context: Reply #29

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  • mekk0

    There are huge problems coming:

    1. Hollywood can't keep up producing greater and greater resolutions as fast as the tech industry. So we will always have a lack of content when something new comes out. Converting older analog movies to "1K" HD was possible but a 35mm film is not enough for more. So Only new Content will be available in such resolutions.

    2. Internet Connections. Movie streaming is nothing new. Have you ever streamed a Movie in 1K HD with 5.1 DTS Sound? Well, I doubt it - The hobbit has a bit more than 20 GB. Who of you can download 20GB in two hours? If yes, could you do 250 GB in 2 hrs for 4k?! This won't be possible within the next 5-10 years.

    3. Technology spread. Remember when everyone was crazy about those new HD TVs? They were all just HD ready (720p). Now we have a bunch of shit 720p's and lame 1080's and some of them might have 3D. So we with 4k we got FOUR NEW STANDARDS IN THE LAST 10 YEARS! Who should keep up with it? Until the late 1990's everyone had PAL or NTSC. Now we have still PAL/NTSC, 720p, 1080p, 3D1080, 3D720, and Now 4K? Now who's gonna be your target audience?

    Dont get me wrong, I love this new shit. But the speed of smashing new standards to the market is just too fast! Who of you really watches 3D at home? And then.. Will you really be watching 4K when you have it?!

    • especially when internet providers cap usage at 10 gigs/month._niko

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