
Out of context: Reply #18

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  • IRNlun60

    I've been doing crossfit for about 5 months now. 2 days a week with 1 day of Olympic lifting. During crossfit we do 30 minutes of weight training then do a WOD. There's some valid criticism, but most of it can be applied to any gym.

    Yes, there is a good possibility of getting hurt. Using poor form in any environment will lead to injuries. You can seriously hurt your shoulders for doing a basic bench press. At least if you have the right coaching you'll learn what is good form and be encouraged to maintain it.

    It is expensive, but you're also receiving direct coaching so it's pretty much just as expensive as a personal trainer. For the most part, personal trainers in big gyms cannot teach you any olympic and power lifts because it's not allowed in most gym. Clean & Press, Clean & Jerks, and Snatches, are by far the best power and explosiveness building weight training out there.

    Check your ego, because if you do try crossfit you will see men and women running faster, and lifting way more than you. You need to take your time with this. People have been dedicated to this for years and it will show. This never gets easier.

    Kipping pull-ups are real pull-ups. I don't understand why people get so hung up on a freakin exercise. It's about efficiency and maintaining a strong core. If you're doing it right, you're not swinging more than a few inches. If you want to just do strict pull-ups thats fine, you can still do strict pull-ups.

    You don't have to do the recommended weight, every exercise can be scaled to match your level of fitness. Move on to heaver weights when you're ready too.

    You're not required to wear goofy ass socks.

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