
Out of context: Reply #45

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  • mantrakid0

    @Scarabin, it's slow to ship, which is fine but they've been really about it - making promises all the time then missing their promises or just not giving any follow up. They made a big announcement in May that 100% of the orders have been shipped and were all self congratulatory about it but, for example, I still have not even received a tracking number for mine. Many people were able to confirm that their order was still waiting to be shipped. So some of their PR is just bold-faced lies.

    The unit itself has not fared well upon review. Bad controller response, lag, OS bugs, clunky UI, everything feels half-assed. Was touted as a potential media player contender out of the gate, but the XMBC implementation is rushed & half-assed again.

    Games themselves are just shitty half-assed ports of android stuff...

    The worst thing is they have been quoted that they're hoping to release a new system quite frequently, so you kinda feel like 'why bother' with the first generation anyway because they've basically said they're already planning for the next one. :P

    Just really bad PR all around.

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