Out of context: Reply #22

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  • detritus0

    If ECHELON had a practical handle on analysing the majority of international comms traffic back in the 80s, how much traffic do you think they'll be able to monitor 30 years and 20 generations of Moore's law later? Especially as it's all conveniently digitised and mapped before they even get their paws on it?

    Honestly, I'm no conspiracy nut (well, any more) but it's fucking childlike-naivety to suppose that the governments of the world DON'T have access to every last snippet they want to.

    You're over-rating how complex it is and totally underestimating the resources thrown at the problem. Never mind all the logical efficiencies they can build in with algorithms that sort 99% of the content out as chaff before getting to the juicy stuff.

    Computationally, this shit's easy if you've got billions of dollars and the best minds in the world to throw at it..

    • What is available in high technology for military is 50-100 years ahead of the consumer marketyurimon
    • of course, yes, the military had Petaflop supercomputers and ipads in WWI didn't they ? Pft.mikotondria3
    • had the stealth fighter in the 60'syurimon

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