Project Kill Payment

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • 23 Responses
  • capn_ron0

    Do not hand over those files! Why would you be polite and generous when they want to kill the project and still get the files? No way would I ever hand them off. Let there internal guy rebuild it and figure out that CMS. Please tell them that you will hand over the files when payment is made for that time.

    • I think he covered this above... about not burning bridgesmonospaced
    • fuck bridges if they've not paid for work already done23kon
    • if u got someone to paint your house then decided the colour was 'meh' would you say "see ya"23kon
    • how come he has to keep a non paying bridge? they already burnt it down anyway!capn_ron
    • and tell the painter you were not going to pay him as you didnt really want/need the work done23kon
    • agree with cap, whats the point of a bridge that leads to nowhere.Al_dizzle

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