Project Kill Payment

Out of context: Reply #1

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  • 23 Responses
  • mikotondria30

    What do you have to lose, apart from the time and effort you've expended so far ?
    Oh no, and angry client response, dear lord - whatever next !?
    Angry unpaid developers ?
    Try walking out of a restaurant without paying - slightly different contractual arrangement, but the principle is the same.
    They're only clients if they pay you, otherwise they're just thieves slipping into the night.
    Be nice, be reasonable, use the opportunity to foster and expand relations if you can, but do that while negotiating the timing of them sending you your money.

    • "Thieves slipping into the night "should be an album name.mg33
    • agreed mg33oey
    • Good post. It frustrates me when I see creatives wondering if they should be paid or not.Josev

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