Flash is back?

Out of context: Reply #54

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    "don't want to hurt feelings or be rude to nobody but sorry, that's really stupid. Blame one company that wants more control over their platform but leads for open web standards, instead of a company, with a closed platform, controlling the web with its proprietary format. I mean. That's just insane."

    "As we stand now, we are not bound by any company to dictate what we use on the web, before, we were dependant on the Adobe whims."

    Dude you make no sense.
    apple don't allow flash, so WE ARE BOUND by a company to dictate what we use on the web.

    You're saying that by banning the use of one web format, that makes the web more open? That's some backwards logic there.

    "Adobe can still make Flash Mobile and release it to Android. Why don't they do it? Because they can't. Wake the fuck up."

    So how do you explain when flash was running on my old android phone fine? They stop support because ios sales are greater than flash demand.
    *Spanish accent* Maybe it is you who needs to wake up.

    • Adobe stopped supporting it because they couldn't get their shit together in time.monospaced
    • Apple allows Flash on desktop..
      Android is in greater numbers than iOS. So what gives?
    • Exactly.monospaced
    • android was in far fewer numbers than apple at the start of this in 2007.Hombre_Lobo
    • couldnt get their shit together?
      Flash worked on android. what was the problem?
    • Maybe you havent seen an android phone running it as you seem completely unaware that it did.Hombre_Lobo
    • I know that it ruined. That's why I said what I said. Maybe I should repeat. --- >ESKEMA
    • Why did Adobe tanked it if it was running fine??? Do you believe it is because of one phone?ESKEMA
    • OF COURSE it ran on Androids. That's my fuckign point! You can't blame Apple if it was on other phones!monospaced
    • *ruined = runnedESKEMA

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