Out of context: Reply #25

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  • formed0

    Ming boggling how a bunch of idiots are running around ranting about how the gov't wants to take away our "rights" to own assault rifles, shit, killing logical measures to protect citizens, but then is just fine with things like the Patriot Act and now this.

    Fucking shallow world. Annoys the hell out of me how people are so easily sold on their own naive principles and just jump into a mob and chant whatever the fear monger's are preaching.

    Oh, right, we've been doing this for centuries. Usually because "God" wants it to be so. He's gotta be in there somewhere, surely.

    [I just happen to be in the other mob chanting back at this mob, and I feel better :-) ]

    • When it comes to protecting rights, there is nothing idiotic about it. acting in fear or not understanding nature of rights is another story. but not as serious as someone who doesn't give a fuck which is another form idiocy or insanity.yurimon
    • another story. but not as serious as someone who doesn't give a fuck which is a form idiocy or insanity on its own.yurimon
    • too many gun freaks have castration anxiety when they hear about any form of "regulation" ...vaxorcist
    • but of course, the second ammendment starts out with "well regulated militia"vaxorcist
    • Right, and all the anti-any-regulation is purely driven by fearformed
    • Wha? I like how you ridicule from a point of ignorance. go look up natural law. doubt you understand anything about it anywayyurimon
    • anyways.yurimon

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