Flash is back?

Out of context: Reply #49

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  • monolith0

    Flash never left.. it just got better and better while HTML also improved (albeit slowly) and now there are things that it's better to chose HTML5 for just because it makes sense.. so in that sense Flash usage had a dent for simpler things.

    For rich interactive experiences and creative things Flash is still daddy, no question about that. Not only that but you can now literally build an awesome experience for a desktop and with very little modification push the same thing on mobile through AIR.

    HTML5 is failing btw.. most big companies today have realized that
    A) HTML5/JS/CSS development is a nightmare for any serious work, especially on mobile, so now they are switching to pure native for example.

    B) HTML5 development is actually very costly with all the fallbacks, inconsistencies and compatibility issues, so those who got burned are now using Flash again for rich interactive experiences because they realized they are paying 3x the price for HTML5 stuff when they don't have to, especially since all that HTML5 stuff they build only works on desktops right and becomes a whole new problem if you want to use it on mobile browsers.

    So the whole argument that Flash doesn't make sense is down the drain because if you have to build and optimize things for mobile with HTML5 as opposed to building things once for desktop and mobile, the whole ubiquity argument falls apart and begs the question WHY?

    I think both co-exist just fine now. People are realizing that Flash is good for certain things, HTML5/JS/CSS is good for some other things and purely native is good for completely other things. That's how it was with technology always.. Only with Apple and the JS/HTML monkeys who never learned anything else everything else had to die for HTML5 to live and that's certainly complete nonsense.

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