Freelance vs $120k?

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  • A020

    What's hard is that in the end, this is definitely one of those things where it's really on you to trust your gut. Each side of it has equal advantages and disadvantages depending on you. The fact that the $$$ is kind of close makes this a lot more about stability and what gets you off as a designer more than anything.

    For me with a kid and a mortgage, I'm loving the paid medical, steady check, etc. Granted - it helps that I like what I'm doing. I'm sacrificing working for only those I really have a passion for and what times work best for me. Honestly, I work better from like 5am to 3pm.

    I'd like to go back to doing my own thing on my own terms, but I'd want to be able to really have a selection. If you're doing things on your own but most of your work is anything you can get simply because you need to pay the bills - then working FT is a bit more tempting. If you get steady work from really cool clients that you love to do your thing for - stick with it.

    Whichever way yo go man.. good luck.

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