Freelance vs $120k?

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  • fyoucher10

    Another thing to factor in (if this pertains to you), is what niche you have. Is it going to be relevant in 4 - 5 years? If not, then growing with a company might be a good thing. If your niche becomes obsolete in a few years, then growing from AD>CD>ECD becomes part of your resume. You're experience will be based more on your pure CD skills should freelance fail and you actually have to move FT..

    However, with your studio, it's likely you're probably really good at doing a specific thing if you're making six figures on your own. If your niche becomes obsolete in a few years, you'll probably be starting from the beginning, that niche probably won't have as much of importance as having actual AD/CD experience at an agency / major brand, and you probably won't be making as much as you do now.

    Personally, I'd skip freelance if you're being offered $120k at a company. You have to also factor in other things like healthcare, vacay, 401k, etc. You have to pay for those on your own when you're freelancing. So you're probably making substantially less by going freelance. Plus, I know your situation all too well. I'm sure you're busting your ass 24/7 to make things happen on your own (I literally work from when I wake up until I fall asleep). It's probably not going to be like that FT job. You'll probably also have more free time. Plus it's nice working with more than a few people.

    If you were making $250K+ on your own, then the opposite might be more favorable. Just my opinion though.

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