2001: A Space Odyssey (film)

Out of context: Reply #35

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  • oey0

    at any moment I wrote dialogue is for dumb people.
    but that's what QBN seems to be nowadays...
    mainly tits, bullshit and fredddd.

    but if you look closely there's still really interesting and nice things going on, fortunately.

    things aren't always what they seem.

    this movie is fucking genius.
    sorry if it doesn't entertain you or if you don't understand.
    well, I'm not sorry at all to be honest.

    maybe you prefer star trek, star wars, star troopers, star whatever.

    people like different things for different reasons.
    in all these years in QBN, you are certainly the most illuminated person I came across.

    so I guess you must be right.

    I don't know. i like the movie and had a bad day today.
    but your arguments sound so immature and like a 20 year old that sometimes I don't have patience.

    hope you're doing fine.

    this movie is really awesome.

    have you seen Solaris?

    or Das Boot?

    or Debbie does Dallas?

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